The most troubling attacks to me are the ones targeting Christians. These attacks are influenced by the Islamic fundamentalist component of the organization. Islamic fundamentalism anywhere in the world has four agendas. The first is to kill all Americans. The second is to kill all Jews. The third is to kill all Christians and the last is to install an Islamic state and enforce strict Sharia code. The reason I say the third element is the most troubling is because this third element does not negotiate. It would even kill its on members who try to talk soft. It is deadly and ruthless. They killed members of Yusuf’s family who tried to talk with government. This Jihadist arm is fully a terrorist organization. By their exposition on YouTube, they apparently have strong links with Al Qaeda, Al Shabab and other terror organizations across the world. And so, they have nothing to negotiate. They want to kill all infidels. First in northern Nigeria and then move for the south. That’s why talks with government always fail because no one can meet their terms. This third arm aren't satisfied by bombing schools, police stations and media houses (a new development). They purposely also look out for Christians. The Bayero University incident paints a sad picture. Students who were worshiping peacefully were bombed and those who tried to escape were sprayed to death by machine guns. Churches in the north have become soft targets and so their agenda is clear.
They don’t want for resources because so many groups around the world share this agenda as well providing a slush fund to finance their operations. They get their funding from within and outside the country form people and organizations that are sympathetic to them. The fundamentalist arm is in control of Boko Haram. They may still stay true to their name (“western education is sin”) but what they are about now purely Islamic fundamentalism.
Islamic fundamentalism thrives in
societies where there is poverty, lack of education and break down of law and
order. The signs have been there for a while now. But the Nigerian politician
is concerned with just his pocket only. He is interested in contacts that
would benefit him. He buys the best cars and tars the road to his house. If the
roads in his state are too bad, he buys property in Abuja or Dubai. The North
has a large portion of uneducated poor people. These two factors are necessary
ingredients for disaster especially when you add religion to it.
Extreme versions of a religion can psyche the most innocent to mind bomb and
kill. The virgins in “paradise” are an unnecessary incentive. The bomber would gladly
do it for free because there is no hope for him on earth. There is nothing to
look forward to. He has no future. His allegiance is to his controller and his hope and future is in "paradise".
The situation now is at a breaking
point. We have done poorly in managing it in the past and it seems the
leadership of the country has no clue. I have been very slow to criticize
President Jonathan’s government because I believe first that Nigeria is a very
difficult country to govern. This is a country where good people are repressed
and frustrated. You can’t get a job without bribing. You can’t get into
university without cheating and when you do, you will be lucky as a girl if you
haven’t slept with a lecturer who wants to oppress you. Every probe report is
killed before arriving because “forces” would never allow anything to work. The
present political class likes the status quo because it suits them. But still,
it is also fact that Nigeria has become less safe under this President. The
Nigeria he met is different from the one he is running. Violence is so naked
now across the country that we have becoming desensitized to it. The
Yobe incidents were traders and their herd were burned alive reveals how callous
we have become. Things that used to be strange and unheard of have come to bed
with us. Thieves raping school girls, youths raping elderly women and university
students posting a crime as heinous as rape on YouTube are a few examples. And
what did the security agents have to say: “The victims should come out and
identify who raped them”.
The NSA, Gen. Andrew Azazi showed
his frustrations when he alluded that the zoning arrangement within the PDP helped
to worsen the situation. A responsible party would sit down and have a rethink.
But missiles were fired at him with many people demanding his sack. One person
actually said he was ungrateful. Apparently such a person is more interested in
loyalty to whoever appointed him and not to the country. A bomb goes off, and
the usual rhetoric: President Goodluck condemns attacks is read out. The Governor
of the bombed state has his own favorite line: It is unfortunate. The SSS have
theirs: We have the situation under control! And yet nothing changes. The least
they can do is change what they say.
The saddest part for me is that
we are slowly coming to terms with it. For heaven’s sake this terrorist are
boasting on YouTube. They showed the car ram into Thisday on tape. They set up
cameras. Took positions and filmed. They told the suicide bomber to go ahead
that the cameras were in place. So one question I can’t answer, maybe someone
can help is this: What happened to all the CCTV cameras the Goodluck
administration is spending gazillion bucks on? Do those things even work? Have
they even been deployed? My problem with this country is that we never think of
the simple things that solve problems. We rather do things that involve
contracts and money which end up in individual pockets. A few months ago, it
was reported that a camera in the UK captured former Prime Minister, Tony Blair, over
speeding. Because he crossed the speed limit he would get a ticket. If our
cameras employed for counter terrorism cannot catch traffic offenders. It would
not catch a terrorist. And in the event that it would, someone would settle
someone. Or aren’t we in the same country where a police chief allowed a terror
prime suspect walk from custody? By the way where are the Iranians accused of importing a ship load of arms into the country?
The way things are going
especially if nothing is done, Nigeria will break and the prophecy of a failed
state would come true. You may be in Lagos or Edo, feeling bad that some
Christians are being incinerated while you read your paper and watch the Big
Brother show, but if this tide is not slowed down and ultimately stopped, this
party would end. It is not enough to complain. Because in Nigeria, that’s all
we do. We complain, and go back to our sufferings. We protest over fuel hike
and complain the strike is getting too long.
On the part of government, this
present administration must state in very clear terms that it would not seek
reelection. That’s first. Once that is established the President can fight
crime and corruption easier. If you are lobbying fuel thieves to fund campaign,
you won’t bring them to justice. You actually can’t. The maxim holds true: he
that must seek equity must come with clean hands (or at least not so soiled ones).
Secondly, we must address the issue of impunity. If the first people who have
been funding the slaughtering of Christians have been caught, tried and killed
by the state. It would be harder for anyone to find it lucrative. The age
long problem of lack of education and poverty in the north and other parts of
the country have been reiterated over and again. The new Al-majiri model
schools are a step in the right direction.
On the part of the citizens, we should create the Nigeria we want. Speak out when we see evil and be one another’s keeper. If you give a bribe to get your child in school then don’t complain when someone bribes his way out of a subsidy probe. We must determine to be change agents. It sounds hard and idealistic in present day Nigeria but the buck has to stop somewhere. This buying and selling culture we have now will mortgage the future of our children. There actually would be no future for them on our present path.
For Christians out there, five minutes
of prayer daily can save a life. It was the Church’ prayer that saved Peter after
James had been killed. Prayer does work and it’s better than saying “omashe”.
Since it’s apparent nobody has a clue on how to solve this mess we find
ourselves in, we can at least pray and ask God for wisdom for our leaders. It’s
not just because we are out of options but it’s our responsibility as Christians.
There is a group out there that hates you and wants you and your family dead
and the earlier you realize you are “endangered”, the faster. If Boko Haram
take over the North (God forbid), they are coming south. Or did you think they
would stop at Benue?
Yesterday marked the anniversary of the death of President Yar’Adua. A man I am beginning to admire more after his passing. He was sincere and tried his best to fight corruption. He wasn’t exactly the strongest leader in the world but he had a heart for Nigeria. And that’s what leadership is about-heart. He portrayed this in his resolve to find lasting peace to the Niger Delta crisis and this will keep his name forever in the history books of Nigeria. President Goodluck has a chance to combat this menace head on. He can still solve the many political problems bothering on several issues like resource control, revenue allocation formula, and immunity. The economy can grow if resources are channeled properly. Corruption will reduce if he puts some of his friends in jail. Competencies will improve if he fires incompetent ministers. There will be improved light in Nigeria if the generation and distribution is decentralized.
Great leaders give power. Great leader risk being vulnerable. Great leaders put their country first. How the President responds to these situations, well, time will tell…
©2012Otaigbe Itua Ewoigbokhan